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Outdated Industrializer 0.1.2

Industrial machines based of real life machines that allow more mechanics

  1. nathan2ooo
    Idustrializer allows you to become more industrial!

    First update
    - Added Cleaner
    - Fully new clean system
    - Cleaner changes raw dusts in dusts and dusts system
    (1Ore = 5RawDust =Clean= 5Dust / 3Dust = 1Bar)
    Diamond: (1Ore = 5RawShards =clean= 5Dust / 6Dust = 1Diamond

    - Macerator
    - Able too make raw dusts and smelt them into bars (1 ore = 5 raw dust = 1 bar)
    - Working ores:
    - Iron
    - Copper
    - Silver
    - Diamond (exception: 1 ore = 5 raw dust / 10 raw dust = 1 Diamond)
    - titanium
    - cerulium
    - aegisalt
    - solarium
    - gold
    - platinum
    - Lot's to come soon
    - I accept sugestions
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.

Recent Updates

  1. Update Compressor
  2. Update Cleaner