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Idle Factories BUILD 5 - PATCH 6

Factories which generates ores, liquids, crops, components, pixels, and a hole lot more!

  1. Patch updates

    Fixed Galactic Boxes to be more consistant with image
    Mining Gems now have a sell value and can also be refined for pixels

    Added an "Unknown1" factory (Can't think of a name and has a placeholder for now) a factory which produces:-

    Sharpend Claw
    Living Root
    Hardened Carapace
    Phase Matter
    Venom Sample
    Cryonic Extract
    Scorched Core
    Stick of Ram

    its also required now to making the Component Factory

    Increased drop timer for the Component Factory from 300 seconds (5 minutes) to 900 seconds (15 minutes)
    Cleaned up the Component Factory image
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