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Idle Factories BUILD 5 - PATCH 6

Factories which generates ores, liquids, crops, components, pixels, and a hole lot more!

  1. Playing Catch up!

    Version 2.2
    * Renamed "Mineral" Factory drillers to Factory Collectors
    * made collection time slightly faster for block collecting
    * lowered build speed from 5 seconds to 2 seconds
    * Factory Station is now uncommon instead of common
    * Fixed crafting sound when making factories
    * Made investment factories generate faster
    * changed Collector factories graphics to be less "Boring"

    Factories Added:
    Galactic Mineral Collector

    Version 2.3
    New Additions:
    Upgrade Fragment (Currency), these special little chips are payoffs from your factories, getting enough will allow you to develop and build newer factories

    New Treasure Pools:
    Upgrade Fragments can be found in chests

    Recipe Changes:
    Diamonds are no longer required for recipes, instead, Upgrade Fragments have taken its place
    You can also trade your diamonds for some extra Upgrade Fragments, incase you're a little short

    Other Changes:
    Heavily... and I mean, heavily changed the production timers, this will slow down ingame production as well as being credited via servers or just being away from planet, this counter-balance when you come back with thousands of materials
    Mineral Collector recipes amounts have been reduced

    Version 2.3.1
    Changed the Forester Cutter weight Loadout

    Version 2.3.2
    Reduced the rate in which Upgrade Fragments are generated
    Removed the ability to craft additional fragments with diamonds

    Version 2.4
    Frame boxes have been adjusted accordingly, factories will seem like they are now smaller, and blocks/other items can be placed beside the images
    New textures for Mineral Collectors by: @Sparklink

    Iron, Tungsten and Titanium factories no longer require cobblestone and wood as recipes, instead, requires its own blocks (Iron block, Copper gears, silver block, tungsten block, titanium block)
    Pumps to Upgrade fragment drop change nurfed
    Pumps now contain only 3 slots, instead of 9

    And other changes I've probably forgotton D:
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