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Idle Factories BUILD 5 - PATCH 6

Factories which generates ores, liquids, crops, components, pixels, and a hole lot more!

  1. New Changes are happening!

    Buffs and Nurfs
    Idle Factory Workbench has received 4 tabs instead of 2, and now contains Minerals and Special tabs
    Component Factory, Salvager Mk.I, Mk.II, and Mk.III moved to the specials tab
    Ore Driller Timers buffed, meaning they will collect slightly faster
    Removed the red node wire spot from all factories, as this does not seem to work, however, a well placed Storage bridge, does

    New Factory Additions
    Invenstment Center Mk.I (Generates income)
    Invenstment Center Mk.II (Generates income)
    Invenstment Center Mk.III (Generates income)
    Earth Driller (Generates common blocks on lush and forest biomes)
    Arid Driller (Generates common blocks found on deserts)
    Tropical Driller (Generates blocks usually found in jungles)
    Toxic Driller (Generates blocks from poison planets)
    Glacier Driller (Generates blocks from Artic Biomes)
    Volcanic Driller (Generates blocks from Volcanic biomes)
    Forester Cutter (Generates a steady income of Logs, Planks and saplings)

    New factories do share the same design as others, these are simply placeholders for the time being
    Animations may be implimented at a later date

    New Code added by BK3K

    Changed how ores are handled, by generating in its own inventory
    Box size change to meet the graphics respectfully, meaning its not all going to be 12x12 in size
    added a Red Node to all machines, this MIGHT (not garanteed), work with Frackin when transporting items
    Two new Factories Added "Component Factory" and "??? Factory"
    Timer on generation and ore/liquid/salave have been heavily nurfed
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