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Idle Factories BUILD 5 - PATCH 6

Factories which generates ores, liquids, crops, components, pixels, and a hole lot more!

  1. Re-balance + Competition!

    Restored drop rates from previous version (0.1.5)
    Factories now run twice as fast, if that, much faster
    Increased probability of diamonds dropping

    Competition Time!
    having issues finding them Upgrade modules, tech cards and manipulator modules? then have no fear, the tech factory is near!

    Tech factory will produce these modules, but only YOU can decide its fate, what it should drop, should there be 1 factory or multiple, how fast etc.

    Take part in designing the factory, and and if you're chosen, will be added and credited as the winner.

    To take part, download this design: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1l8gpec5cgixqs3/competitionmodule.7z?dl=0

    Besure it contains the same frames and don't shorten them + Make sure each frame has some kind of progression bar, like a dial, counter, clock, etc, once done, simply post here with your Chucklefish name + the link to your designs!, Any questions, please post here

    Competition will end on the 23rd of April!, GoodLuck!
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