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Outdated Ice Crystal Caves & Trees 1.02y | Enraged Koala

Tired of lusting after that Geometric Screen? Find the Ice Crystals you can't yet find in Vanilla!

  1. Karmos
    Adds a new ice crystal cave underground minibiome, in which you can find Ice Crystals, which are necessary to craft Geometric items but cannot currently be found legitimately in Vanilla. This minibiome is just as rare as all the others.

    Also tweaks an existing type of tree (dubbed "geometric" in the files) to drop Ice Crystals to match another existing tree that drops Crystals. (Note: this mod changes the color of the tree foliage. If you don't like this, just go into the mod's /plants/trees/geometric/stem folder and delete all the .png files contained therein.)

    To install, just unzip in your ~/Starbound/mods folder and leave only the .pak file there.

    This mod will conflict with any other that modifies planetgen.config, like Variety is the Spice of the Universe.

    If you want to use this mod and a mod like that in conjunction, all you have to do is remove the planetgen.config found in this mod's folders and edit the other mod's planetgen.config to include [ "icecrystalcave" ] in the three "detachedBiomes" sections.

    Please let me know if you encounter issues with this mod (include your OS and the error message) so I can address them.
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
    VinchenzoJackal likes this.

Recent Updates

  1. updated for Enraged Koala
  2. redux
  3. Fixed .pak

Recent Reviews

  1. glitch99987
    Version: 1.01 | Angry Koala
    it seems like a good idea. i installed it but can't seem to find the cave or the trees. any ideas on whereas is spawns?
    1. Karmos
      Author's Response
      They're just as rare as any other underground biome, like I said in the mod description, which is to say you'll have to keep looking. If you have another biome mod installed that mod may be overriding this one.
  2. oniya
    Version: 1.01 | Angry Koala
    like it much!
    add more crystals types ^_^
  3. Vegetable Lamb
    Vegetable Lamb
    Version: 1.0 | Angry Koala
    Great idea. We need more underground biomes anyway.
    1. Karmos