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Outdated Hunting+ Incarnate V4.3

Many new features to a sort of 'forgotten' feature, hunting

  1. Various Adjustments and Fixes

    • Re-Balanced ranged weapon damage so it isn't underpowered
    • Updated tooltip to the correct one for bows (They really did add a unique one....just not to them all)
    • Updated flesh helmets to flesh goat head with alloy horns
    • (Non-game) Updated Pictures
    • Re-Balanced Infantry upgrades (AGAIN)
    • Misc. other fixes
  2. Quick Additions

    Decided to just do this update right away because it was so easily done
    • Weapons, Armor, Bandages, and pretty much anything you craft now has fully implemented prerequisites. (EX: In order to craft Bone Armor you no longer need to repeatedly craft Leather armor, just one time to unlock the Bone Armor recipes. Although, this does mean you need to craft the hat to get the next hat, the chest to get the next chest, etc)
    crazygreggy likes this.
  3. Tweaks and Balances

    • Fully added Atomworks Rebirth addons in (even though it isn't even released yet)
    • You now need to craft the prerequisite weapons in order to unlock recipes for the new ones (Armor and Bandages will have this same feature next update)
    • Adjusted Infantry armor to not be OP or UP
  4. New knives, bows, and rearranged infantry

    (Thanks to Kawa and especially Grover-Cures-Houses (as well as a few others) and a friend for letting me borrow his old laptop (since mine was in repair AGAIN) I can finally get this update out [namely because I'm too stupid too realize my spelling errors and missing quotations] Sorry for being so needy and also frustrated with you occasionally guys
    • Special hunting knives with custom...
  5. Wooden Hunting Knife + Fixes

    • Added Wooden Hunting Knife (Just because if you wanna start your melee out with hunting instead of regular)
    • Fixed (Hopefully) Biostudy
    • Fixed (Hopefully) Molten Hunting Knife (Still not done making the mission knives, I have Atomworks and Crystalworks to do first)
    How updates will work: Not-Very-Essential updates will add 0.1 on to the current version, usually these aren't really needed but might contain fixes or 1 or 2 new things. If the version goes up by 1.0, that...
    misterwho, StarScribe and crazygreggy like this.
  6. Organized player.config

    All I did was organize the player.config.patch a bit. This update isn't essential and adds nothing new, so it isn't necessary to update to it if you choose not to.