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Hull Plating Blocks & More 35.0 (Concrete Tileset)

Blocks that resemble parts from ship backgrounds, plus some other odds and ends.

  1. The Final Touch for That Gold Ship?

    I'm really happy to announce the addition of ore-themed engines for your ship-building needs.

    You can obtain these by ordering a "Ship In A Box" item, from the Instant Mail Catalog, just like the racial engines. From there you can scan and 3D print as many of them as you need.

    Took me far longer to finish these than I'd intended. Being sick is no fun!

    Here's the new demo/sampler images for the engines (had to split it up into two!):
    Hull Plating Blocks (Ore Engines A).jpg
    Hull Plating Blocks (Ore Engines B).jpg
    Xavidd likes this.
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