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Outdated Hoverboard201X 2014-01-25

A toy hoverboard from early 201X. Surely it was discontinued due to injury lawsuits.

  1. donington
    Introducing the Hoverboard201X!


    Crafted at the robotic crafting table.


    Hold jump to glide midair:


    Double tap left or right to do a boost. Hold it in to continue at an accelerated speed.


    To perform an ollie, hold the down key. The longer you hold it, the higher you will jump. You'll hear a little blip and the rockets will change color when you are fully charged.


    While continuing to hold down, press space to activate the ollie.


    - Moving abruptly after an ollie can leave your jump short.
    - Holding down for longer before jumping will allow you to leap higher!
    - Hoverboards are not intended for use in damp environments. They do not function well when in contact with water and will burn out if left for too long.

    Note about a Bug:
    - The state switching and persistent sound seems to jam up sometimes causing a persistentSound to not stop when it should have. Not sure what to do about that. Just discovered the bug while getting screenshots :/

    1.0: initial release
    - inspired by the hoverboards in Back to the Future II
    - toggle hoverboard on/off with the special key (f)
    - double tap left/right to dash
    - hold down and press jump to ollie
    - hold jump to glide midair
    - hoverboards do not like water! They will hover above but burn energy faster. It will deactivate if you run out of energy in the water.
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.

Recent Reviews

  1. TheHeavyThinker
    Version: 2014-01-25
    Great Looking And Clever Mechanics, Please Update To
    Enraged Koala!
  2. sa1nt
    Version: 2014-01-25
    Love the idea, can't craft it though, due to matter blocks being of common quality when they spawn but being uncommon once you mine them. The recipe requires the first one. I am finding out how to change it but so far only 2 stars.
  3. Dozer
    Version: 2014-01-25
    Great mod)) But do better picture quality))
    1. donington
      Author's Response
      Yeah the board didn't turn out as pretty as I had wanted. When I get time I will try to pretty it up. I need to figure out how to fix the sound bug first.