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Outdated Heavy Factory Ship, Dark Nebula Empire - From the Space Battleship Yamato Universe 1.1

A Starboundization of the Dark Nebula Empire's Heavy Factory Ship from Space Battleship Yamato

  1. Rizzozo
    Heavy Factory Ship from The Dark Nebula Empire - Space Battleship Yamato

    After two micro ships, it's time for something bigger. From the Space Battleship Yamato universe, I give you the Heavy Factory Ship from the Dark Nebula Empire.

    The original image from which I started (Look for Heavy Factory Ship by Zobak): http://shipschematics.net/yamato/yamato_data.php?filter=DarkOfficial

    I traced the border of the image pixel by pixel then coloured, shaded and accessorized it.
    I made a 100% destructible basic interior for anyone to edit as they wish. Remember, the spawn coordinates can't be changed even if you move the teleporter.


    • Folder system for all the races
    • 100% destructible interior including the back layer (Don't get sucked out into space)
    • The large command console is optional (a solo captains chair will sit in it's place)
    • 5 Colours
      • Blood Orange
      • Cream
      • Grey Metal
      • Yellow Submarine (My personal fav)
      • Teal

    This ship utilizes Starbound's /mods folder for installation.

    1. Open the Zip file and open a colour folder.
    2. From that folder, open the appropriate folder to decide if you would like the large command console or not.
    3. Drag the appropriate race folder from in there (eg. Glitch_HeavyFactoryShip) to Starbound's mods folder

    Note: If you are replacing the ship for an existing character, you must delete their .shipworld file from the player folder. Always backup first.


    The permissions on this mod are completely open as long as it's for recreational use only. Credit me somewhere please and tell me about it. Thanks :)
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.

Recent Updates

  1. 1.1

Recent Reviews

  1. Kyadri
    Version: 1.1
    this is an awesome ship, (and thank you for keeping the fuel system near the chair :D ) i was just wondering if you know how to make it work for a modded race (the Avali to be percise) :) keep it up!
  2. VIcariousViking
    Version: 1.1
  3. Balmer
    Version: 1.1
    Nice work. There seems to be two minor bugs for starting a new character with the mod, one of which is probably specific to Human. Both ship's lockers get the same starting inventory, doubling things up, including an indestructible second matter manipulator. Humans also wind up getting banana seeds instead of corn seeds, which is a bit annoying because the sweet corn recipe is one of the best starter foods. I'm guessing it's accidentally the Apex version of the ship locker, simple mistake when doing so many races. Anyway, thanks for the mod, both are things that don't bother me enough to not 5 star the work.
  4. arsongrady
    Version: 1
    Cool Mod I like his ship. Its not too big and not too small, just right for me. I like the command module and the different colors are great. The pixel art is also very nice. For a ship mod kit is one of the better ones (trust me I looked at all of them). Also who cares about the spawn point, its not like the ship is space station sized and you put it all the way on the bottom floor. Hope to see more mods from you!!
    1. Rizzozo
      Author's Response
      Thanks for that! I appreciate the support. I'm actually working on a brand new ship and I hope to release it just after the new patch. I want to see what they changed in the warp system :)
  5. Xerubaal
    Version: 1
    A really good Ship, bit i would love it even more if it were a little bit higher and longer ( more Space in the Space is alwalys good^^)
    But after all a really good ship^^
  6. ebenkurz
    Version: 1