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Outdated Hakuri Starfighter 1.4 Enraged Koala

A small fighter ship

  1. Hakuri
    This is a small ship, for those that utilize a planetary base for all their crafting/storage.

    Fuel hatch sits at 5000 fuel

    Ship objects remove-able


    :D Not everyone wants a huge ship!


    Remember to back up your previous dropship file!!!!

    Move the files to your starbound/mods folder - should look like this: Starbound/mods/hakuri starfighter

    Start a new character or delete the .ship file located in the starbound/player folder.

    PLEASE remove everything OFF of your ship before DELETING it! YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING IF YOU DON'T.

    Let me know how it works! :D


    mod was overhauled as the mod was tested improperly. the mod now works on SP and MP, on all races.

    the 3x4 block bay spaces on the left side of the ship may be reduced to 3 x 3/3 x 2 to prevent item loss (unable to pick up some fallen items when removing a storage container from the far left walls, when the storage container still contains items.)
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.

Recent Reviews

  1. poweredbygamespy
    Version: 1.4 Enraged Koala
    you could do better resolution with the background
  2. Dozer
    Version: 1.1
    well, but do better graphics))