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Outdated Hackable Keypads GXML 1.4.2

Adds programmable, wire-able keypads for passcode entry! (can be "hacked" in game)

  1. Added doors and hatches with integrated pads/panels! ...and other minor changes

    Ruban Crusade
    TLDR: there are now doors and hatches with built in stuff from before and a bug was fixed.

    That's right, now there is a door with each kind of pad/panel in it and a hatch for each as well! Both function just as if you interacted with a panel that is wired to the object, but because they are integrated, no one can break the wire connection or add their own to override. The hatches and doors do not have input nodes for wiring so that another object cannot over ride the keypad/panel. The Voice Recognizer door and hatch are both unbreakable, just as the panel was (and with the same vulnerabilities). These doors and hatches can be crafted using the correct panel/keypad and door:
    keypaddoor1 = hackconsole1 + steel door (aka "tier2door")
    keypaddoor2 = hackconsole2 + durasteel door (aka "tier4door")
    Hatches use the same recipes. These recipes can be acquired by picking up the associated metal bar for the door.

    Also, at the request of a few users, I have darkened the text and "metal" colors on the Voice Recognizer. Please let me know what you think once you've had a chance to look at them.

    Before I forget, there was a bug related to data not being stored/loaded correctly from one instance of the game to the next (i.e. quitting all the way out and coming back in) which should now be resolved, but as always, if you find a bug, send me all your logs and give me a detailed description of the problem.

    And lastly, I'm looking at adding a second Keypad and Voice Recognizer. Each will have a new look and some added functionality. I've almost figured out how to do some of the other desired future features, so hopefully those will be coming out soon as well.

    Thank you all so much for your support, and for those of you who have provided feedback and input, it is much appreciated and I am working on getting those things in place!
    Crisium and Sefercil like this.
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