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Greckan Race Mod v1.2.5a (SB v1.3.3)

Adding A New Race Of Diplomatic Denizens To Your Universe!

  1. News

    What's New:
    • (Uh... Nothing content wise honestly.)

    Other Notes:
    -This is just a tiny bugfix update after I found a few mistakes in the dialog patches.
    -My life, outside SB has become more hectic recently so I haven't been able to do many updates.
    (I'll spare the details, but it seems everything is falling into place to keep me eternally busy.)
    -Next update will feature a couple new weapons thanks to @Jareix Cryvix and the awaited furniture sets for the race.

    Thanks for your guys' patience and until next time!
    Jareix Cryvix and Arra like this.
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