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Golemancer - Core 1.2.0

Core scripts for golemancy implementation on Starbound

  1. Feed the Poptop!

    Golem evolutions
    Life is inherently unstable, we all know that.
    Children become adults, ovules become babies, seeds become plants and flowers transform into fruits... everything changes.

    That's specially true for artificially infused beings, given the complexity of the process, their inherent instability is far greater, making radical changes possible and commonplace between them.

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    Code explained
    Evo files are the main configuration files used to specify the evolution requisites and results.
    You can take a look of how to use then in the examples, they are quite simple.

    "requiredResources"Array of required resources, could be none, could be multiple, read the examples to see how to define them.
    "xxxxSpawn"The thing to spawn once the infusion is completed, read the examples to see how to define them.
    In order to correctly read and use evo files, you need to attach the correct script to the monster and to point what evolutions should check.
    As simple as that, for any doubt, you can see how the examples are patched.
    Inf_Wolf14 likes this.
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