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Outdated Gilgamesh Reborn 1.1 Enraged Koala

Clan Request Gilgamesh

  1. Hakuri
    Had another clan request that does not seem to be here in the community.

    Introducing Onslaught - a reworked Gilgamesh

    Supports all standard races. Works in SP and MP
    Ship objects are removable!!
    Ship background now decorate-able!

    Remember to place your ship teleporter back on your ship!!
    Remember to remove/rewrite over the old mod version!

    This Gilgamesh is an easy install:

    1. remove your cargo from your current ship

    2. delete your .shipworld file from starbound/player

    3. drop the mod into your mods folder so it looks like this: starbound/mods/Hakuri Onslaught

    4. load your character into single player first, then save and quit.

    5. log your character into multiplay and enjoy! (unless your friends have this mod, they cant see your gilgamesh's background image)

    Images: (taken on clan MP server)



    I removed the ship objects and randomly placed the ship lockers and tech station in the above images


    will be removing the wall plates that spawn behind the ship objects upon ship creation.
    plates behind ship objects removable, so you can customize what you want behind the ship objects.
    Ship background can be decorated! (you know, that right click option with background blocks)

    Have fun ! :D
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.

Recent Reviews

  1. Kiritoblade
    Version: 1.1 Enraged Koala
    Love the ship but..for some reason the ship world spawns me outside the ship ...and i cant do anything D: any advice?
  2. HideYourBanana
    Version: 1.1 Furious Koala
    I love this ship, but i really wish you could update it to enraged koala. Still amazing ship tho!!
    1. Hakuri
      Author's Response
      it will be updated in about 30 minutes :3 my net has been out for quite some time :P
  3. Doluto
    Version: 1.1 Furious Koala
    Any way to make the ship-lockers breakable? They're so awkwardly place and I'd appreciate it if you added a way to break and move them around.
    1. Hakuri
      Author's Response
      The ship lockers are breakable. all spawned ship items on this gilgamesh are breakable. if you want to change the ship locker location, you will need to put up a background block set of any block material for the locker to attach to. that would be the "decorate the interior of the ship" thing.
  4. Crawford Dale
    Crawford Dale
    Version: 1.0 Furious Koala
    A very good ship :D
  5. Doluto
    Version: 1.0 Furious Koala
    Wooo! Gilgamesh has been updated!:)
    I love this ship.