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Geode Race rock.pun

Friends of Mineral Town

  1. All of a sudden...

    Hey there. Been a while, hasn't it?
    Now that Starbound's finally up to 1.0 and they're hopefully done fiddling with all of the important parts, I thought I'd put in a little effort and get these guys back up to speed. It's taken me a lot longer than I thought it would, and it's still missing a lot of features, but it's finally in an operational state and that's good enough for me.

    So what's new?
    -Brand new colors for everything, brighter and more color-y than ever.
    -A totally custom, fully-furnished ship! It's an old space-camper. It's a bit of a junker, but it's enough to call home.
    -Updated and polished playersprites. They look nicer than they used to (just take my word for it).
    -It actually works in the current version. Wow!

    So what's missing? Well, there were tons of incompatibilities, so I had to basically start from the ground up. This meant stripping out everything not absolutely essential until I got it to run. As a result, the mod is as bare-bones as it could possibly be right now. I still have to add in all the armors, weapons, items, crops, blocks, etc. that I took out to work on even getting it running. It could have gone smoother, but I am not a clever man when it comes to this sort of thing.

    BUT! We're over the main hurdle, and getting everything else back to where it needs to be should be somewhere between a cinch and a snap. A snanch, if you will. But, I'm unreasonably excited about getting it to a functional and non-crashing state, so I'm pinning this to the fridge a little early.

    Oh, and
    Without it I'd still be banging two rocks together trying to fire. Having a template to reference so I could figure out what got botched on my end was unbelievably helpful and probably the only way I wouldn't have burned out on this. So, thanks a bunch.

    As always, if something goes horribly wrong with the download or you can't get it to work, let me know on the page or in the thread and I'll get to fixing it as fast as I can.

    Thanks again!
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