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Geode Race rock.pun

Friends of Mineral Town

  1. 3rd tier + minor fluff

    Surprise, it's update day.

    New Things:
    -3rd tier armor and weapons
    -Some more building materials and furniture to match (with variants)
    -Minor tweaks to colors/visuals of some items and the Geodes themselves, it's nicer now
    -(does not retroactively apply to characters, unfortunately)
    -Changed on-hit sound to something less earsplitting, as requested
    -Little things, like being able to make your extra shivgrass seeds into a throwing weapon

    Coming soon Eventually:
    -Unique Ship
    -NPCs and villages (if I can figure it out)
    -4th Tier Equipment
    -Pictures for the modpage finally maybe
    -Continuation of this glacial pace of updates

    Let me know if I've guffed something up and I'll try to fix it as fast as I can.
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