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Outdated GardenBot 1.2.0 [20140424]

Automated Gardening Robots that work for YOU

  1. Major warm ups removed to align with vanilla crop change

    Greetings fellow gardeners,

    I'd like to address an issue that has been around for awhile. Previously, in vanilla Starbound, crops would grow randomly while you were logged out of game, or in another world. This is the reason that Persistent Farmables was created, and is the same reason that GardenBots were given a warm up period. Since GardenBots could not detect the random change in growth, they would wait a certain period (based on crop) before attempting to harvest it, and avoid harvesting too soon. This is why GardenBots worked better with PF, as no warm up was needed.

    I have not been running PF for a few weeks now, and noticed a change in crop growth, but had no confirmation of my suspicions. It seems that PF has declared itself dead, and I've had a few comments that "crops are officially working." Because of this, I'm now removing the warm up period bots took before harvesting. This is something I think several people have labeled as a bug, even though it was a solution to the limitations with farming. I hope this eases the complaints about bots not functioning properly.

    Please note, that there is still a warm up the first time you install GardenBot. There's no way around this at the moment, unfortunately, as there is no current way in vanilla to determine a crops growth. This change should not impact any of the mod support created for GardenBot, as long as you update your GardenBot mod.

    As always, if you have any feedback or comments, please feel free to leave them.

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