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Outdated Full Varia Suit [Release 1!] v. Angry Koala

Freaky space pirates beware.

  1. Metroid Armor Pack __merge update

    This should remove all compatibility issues with other mods, without the need for Tabula Rasa or any other hard dependencies.
    Kazazeil and Schala like this.
  2. v. Angry Koala update

    Updated to work with v. Angry Koala. At time of writing this, the server was having issues with my upload, so I am linking to nexusmods. Sorry I haven't been able to push the new suits (or the surprise) in yet, christmas suddenly got extremely busy!

    It's coming soon, I promise!
    Hotaru likes this.
  3. Full Varia Suit release 17/12! Space Pirates beware!

    Here it is, ladies and gents!

    The full Varia Suit, comes with animation fixes and a small added bonus, the Gravity Suit!

    I have changed the crafting costs down to 10 pixels just for fun. If I ever do make this a legitimate set of armor for some reason, this will change. I don't like the idea of making/maintaining tiered armor though, so it'll probably stay cosmetic.

    If you see something that seems off, please let me know.

    -- And tortilla, I am still playing with ways to...
  4. Crash fix 15.12

    Fixes issue with crashing to desktop when trying to select item. Can't believe I let that sneak in. :wut:

    If you downloaded Update 1, please use this patch!
  5. Phase 2/Chest Armor

    This update contains a fixed helmet (mask works now, visor no longer makes
    eyes look strange/disproportional), as well as the chestpiece for both male
    and female characters!

    I was going to wait to push this update with the legs as well, but I wanted
    the helmet I uploaded fixed asap.

    This should hopefully be completed with legs included tomorrow at the latest, along with something else to complement it. :DD