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Outdated Full Varia Suit [Release 1!] v. Angry Koala

Freaky space pirates beware.

  1. Full Varia Suit release 17/12! Space Pirates beware!

    Here it is, ladies and gents!

    The full Varia Suit, comes with animation fixes and a small added bonus, the Gravity Suit!

    I have changed the crafting costs down to 10 pixels just for fun. If I ever do make this a legitimate set of armor for some reason, this will change. I don't like the idea of making/maintaining tiered armor though, so it'll probably stay cosmetic.

    If you see something that seems off, please let me know.

    -- And tortilla, I am still playing with ways to make the helm a little more "pointy" :)


    1. Gravity Suit.png
    2. Varia Suit.png
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