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Outdated Fuel Refinery 1.1 [Enraged Koala]

Adds a Fuel Refinery for Uranium.

  1. WolfBane


    (Woo! 100 downloads in such a short time! Thank you, guys.)

    ... Greetings, this is my first actual artwork-included mod! Sure, it's just a few edits but... Eh, yeah. It was partially made because I wanted to try this modding thing out, but what really sparred my desire to make this is the lack of uranium ores on beta-delta planets. I'm not sure if it was a bug with another mod, but this sufficed.

    This mod adds a "Fuel Refinery v.1" object, craft-able via the Metalwork Station. It can change two coal into a single uranium.

    In the future I'm considering making two more of these, building off of the one prior for the other fuel sources. Let me know if I can balance what I have further, and feel free to give me some suggestions on how to make this better!

    ... Also, a rating would be lovely. Don't be afraid to let me have it. :p

    Mods that go well with this:
    FuelCooker: It's a little cheaty, but so is this mod. :rofl:
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.

Recent Updates

  1. Fuel for the fire!~

Recent Reviews

  1. FangZJr
    Version: 1.1 [Enraged Koala]
    Very Nice, works very well with the coal cooker mod, u should try adding a coal cooker too :D
    1. WolfBane
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the kind words, I'd rather not create what you mentioned though, it looks like it'd be tedious.
  2. TheRuggedMan
    Version: 1.1 [Enraged Koala]
    love the idea!! but it doesnt seem to be working for me not seeing it on the metal work station....do u have an imcompatability list???
    1. WolfBane
      Author's Response
      I'll look tomorrow and see if it's not working on my end.
  3. shinobi1027
    Version: 1.0
    Awesome mod :). This game has so much potential for mods and that's the reasons I like it :). They can add new races content other things :D its awesome.. Its also reminds me of Metroid game play :) side scrolling :)