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Outdated Freaks of Nature 1.4.4 - Enraged Koala

New freaky monster parts for everyone to enjoy! Currently 25 parts and more are coming!

  1. Just a few fixes

    Nothing special
  2. Update to pak format and 1 new secret body!

    There is one new "secret" body (altough it's nothing special, so you won't notice it probably)
  3. Updating to Enraged Koala

    That's pretty much it :/
  4. Updating to Enraged Koala

    Other than that, not much :/
  5. Updating to Furious Koala

    Furious Koala, HERE WE GO!!!
  6. Final try to upload, I am so sorry 4 new chests for quadrupeds, 1 new chest for tall bipeds

    Okay, it finally works. I had some problems uploading the new version, but all is okay now.
  7. 4 New heads Update

    Added 4 new heads and made a few small changes to old heads to make them look better, (The Tube Head and Chicken Bandit Head)