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FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. 5.5.06


    • Brute , Explorer and Falcon starter bodies have halved interface chip requirements, which should solve early-game mech body woes.
    • Stock mech legs no longer require salvage
    • Carvelle rifle: Crit reduced by 50%. Damage slightly reduced and its alt changed to no longer use a piercing, homing projectile. Its primary fire remains unchanged.

    • Nomad rifle primarry damage increased

    • Bio-ooze gun is properly labelled as two-handed

    • tons of resource price adjustments (zimberzimber)

    • bear armor recipe corrected
    • Increasing the amount of items in an ITD's item filter will cause it to only send items in multiples of that amount. The first filter to match with the item (from left to right) will apply.
    Note that at the current time "overflow" items ignore this restriction (sending 10 items into a 993 stack with 2 set as the multiple will fill the stack to 1000 and leave 3 items).

    This feature is especially useful for automating blast furnaces or extractors to eliminate clogging. (Lucca)

    • Should fix the empty bucket inventory issue (comments out the item tag since that seems to be what's causing the issue) (Hubnester)

    • 3 state cycler is now configurable and has some icons by Zenth (Kherae, Zenth)
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