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FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. 5.4.96

    • increased chances of Megarachnid by 19% in spiderweb biomes

    • precursor microsphere speed lowered. should no longer cause you to get trapped or jump oddly off edges when at normal speeds. with speedboosts active this will not be the case.
    • reduced mech stomp sound volumes by roughly 50%
    • Mech Stomp self-inflicted damage reduced.
    • Additionally, this stomp damage is only applied if the fall surpasses a specific speed/mass limit (205 points). This should more or less assure only significant falls will be damaging, and rarely severely so. This is merely to discourage using the mech as a mining tool without some measure of penalty.
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