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FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. 5.4.954

    • adds mech mass to the core Mech assembly UI
    • with mechs, stomping too far will do damage to your mech based on how far you've fallen.
    • Mech Stats on items now display a modified bar. Rather than 5 possible states it now has 10, and is rated from 1-10, rather than 3 to 7. This should be a far more accurate reading. However, it should also be noted that the "top" rating is now 7 more most mech parts. This means all vanilla parts will no longer have "full" bars.
    Further note: your existing mech part stats may not auto-update to the new style of things. This is due to generation being handled at item creation. Making new versions of the mech parts will solve the issue (or manually spawning them, or admin-crafting them...whatever floats your boat)

    • reworked Mech Repair Tool, and added two additional tiers to it.
    • solar panels should now function on your ship
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