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FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. 5.4.874

    • corrected Precursor armor description to not mention disabled zero-G immunity

    • Ultramesh armor now uses proper t6 resources in its recipe

    • Ultramesh legs no longer provide swimboost outside of set bonuses, and the swimboost has been upgraded from swim boost 1, to swim boost 2.

    • Ultramesh electric immunity reduced from 50% to 40%

    • Quantum now requires the Antimatter as a component, which it should, considering that it is a straight upgrade.
      I changed the Quantum's crafting recipe to tier a bit better, and Antimatter now requires the Protocite, rather than Antimatter, Energy Pack. (Mikenno)

    • Added new plant, icicleshoot to several Snow/Ice biomes. (retoid)

    • removed deprecated roof extractors (whismerhill)

    • reduced air-based spawn rates

    • Adds material + liquid interaction recipes to the liquid mixer. Fixes a couple blocks that interact with liquids and removes duplicate liquid interactions (removed the interaction that doesn't work). (Hubnester)

    • REMOVED A FEW INTERACTIONS THAT GIVE ELDER FLUID to reduce its frequency and ease of use (Hubnester)

    • Infinite beer epp (the amount given per update and the max amount until it stops giving you it can be configured in the status effect file) (Hubnester)

    • Makes it so that terramart shipments 3.0 and 3.5 sell items at the modified price if their price has been modified (Hubnester)

    • re-adds erroneously removed roof graphics for extractors. the roof objects, which were deprecated, are still removed.
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