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FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. 5.4.864

    * adjusted liquid mixer speed (hubnester)
    * music player improvements (hubnester)
    * Changed it so that the capture bot uses the capture gun projectiles (so that it doesn't create capture pods when it misses).
    * Adds item magnet II (10 block range) and item magnet III (20 block range). (hubnester)
    * precursor teleporter enabled (not craftable) (reginald halifrax)
    * arctic crew armor fixed (sayter)
    * changed Cannibal tenant requirements. You'll now need bamboo objects, rather than only those tagged as "nature" (sayter)
    * Exceptional Combs should properly extract when placed in a centrifuge. Their output resources are: Titanium, tungsten, iron, beesilk, honey and amber (sayter)

    * Refactored duplicate code into a single method with arguments. Made it so that you can keep clicking the delete button to remove an input/output slot and it'll just select the next slot so you can keep clicking the button without having to manually select another slot. (claudekennilol)
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