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FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. 5.0.96

    * new face in the Science Outpost. He will be offering the initial quest for the Matter Assembler now, as well as the Cthulhu Statue quest. More will be added later.

    * corrected EVA set bonus. It should now trigger properly.

    * Lab Pipes should be properly craftable

    * removed pointless second recipe for labtile (plasteel tile)

    * Slime Eyes and Slime Kings have more HP across the board. Additionally, they are now immune to slime effects. They also got renamed.

    * added missing unlock for Reinforced Frames

    * shadow spears should properly function. found the annoying bug. killed it.

    * talonseed seed descriptions updated to give the right buff information

    * added bioooze protection augment. Unlocked with Venom Samples. Available at the tier 2 Tinker Table.

    * fixed an exploit with quarries and pumps (Kherae)

    * Glide augment effect adjusted

    * Elder Stone can now be smelted in the Arc and Blast furnaces

    * Bee Wings perform better, but are much more expensive to craft

    * Fire/Icarus/etc wings slightly tweaked to have faster sideways movement

    * enabled Bot Healing Station for crafted robot pets

    * shadow gas immunity adjusted. Anything with Shadow immunity should now protect against it. Ordinary gas immunity will *not* work.

    * new weapon for war angel set: Chain Blade (thanks to Omega for the art)

    * new Crew type : Cyborg. Grants immunity to Aether. Also likes to kick ass.

    * various additional NPC statuses

    * added new ambiance track to Frozen Wastes caverns (Omega)

    * added missing labtechpanel recipe

    * the Shoggoth is now immune to the cultist staff status effect, which will prevent it from freezing on death and never generating loot
    alloy627, Checker and MJDCOOOOL like this.
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