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FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. Revision - Phase 3. Operation: Grind Killer

    Now that weapons, armor, science outpost, recipes and other stuff have been adjusted I took a few days to hammer out a new system for the primary part of FU: Plant Creation.

    If you don't read the update, you will be totally lost. So take a minute out of your day and read the following. I will not be answering questions already answered here.

    Major Revision: Plant Design -

    The entire system for which plants are created in FU has been reworked from the ground up. This was not a small amount of work (20+ hours, easily). The end result is a much more enjoyable experience. What’s different? Let’s see:

    All gene progression has been changed. You now “extract” plant seeds in the xenolab to get all genes. So, plant-hunting and plant-raising has a definite upside (and the grinding for genes is essentially gone forever). You can "farm" genes now, based on plant types. Extraction/Recipes will need a lot of balancing to make the most out of this new method, and that will take a few more updates to get right.

    -All plant unlocks and recipes have been readdressed and altered to suit the changes.

    - wild plants will give seeds normally now, rather than being cheap with you. You’re rewarded for exploration, rather than made to work hard to get all the plants. As such, most biomes have a unique plant that grow therein addition to several general-pool plants. There are several biomes without plant-life as per usual, but they are few and far between (and will likely get their own plants sooner than later)

    Several resources have been completely removed:

    -All the old genes (though they’ve essentially been replaced by the new ones)

    -Silk Worm

    -Silk Spider

    -Amino Acid (used seldom, and essentially just added pointless crafting steps.)

    -Peptide Chain (used only in old gene research and synthesized protein)

    -Advanced Peptide Chain (no use whatsoever without gene recipes in use and even then is not necessary)

    -Blob Bush Jelly (used in only 3 recipes, and easily subbed in with different resources)

    - Organic Synthesis (nothing used it anymore)

    - Synthesized Protein (again, no longer needed)

    So, you’ll see a few PGIs kicking around in your storage containers. This is normal and expected.

    -The Xeno Lab now acts like an Extractor for all intents and purposes. Seeds go in, genes come out.

    -Questlines have been updated to suit the new changes. I’ve left the old ones intact, simply so that your characters don’t get annihilated. If I missed anything, let me know.

    - LivingRoot plant renamed to something less silly. It is now the Vanus Flower. It is a valid flower for Bees! apiary use as well.

    - Aenema flower adjusted graphically a teency bit to have a bit more “fire” to it.

    - Fungal biomes got a slight touch-up. (11 new bushes, and the super-shrooms are now half as common. Farmable Mushrooms now spawn and are harvestable on the surface.)

    - removed “corrupt” sub-biome from non-oceanic worlds, leaving corruptedforest and corruptmoon intact

    - Irradiated tile swap. waste is no longer the core block, since that crap collapses and is annoying


    - fixed Arctic Comb extraction giving PGIs

    -hermes pill will display by its proper name, instead of Mutavisk Bandage.

    - Graphene no longer requires platinum. It will instead call for Wolfram ore

    - Glowing Sand now smelts to Glowing Glass.

    - added missing Pioneer Shield recipe. you can craft it now.

    - energiflower can now be used to fuel quantum generators (as well as your ship, as per usual)

    - unrefined liquid protocite fuel value increased by +1 in the Quantum Generator.

    - designlab no longer requires advanced circuit to craft, enabling its creation much (much) sooner.

    -bees! industrial centrifuge now processes combs faster

    - halved Portal Juice duration from 1200 to 600 seconds.

    - Quantum Generator power output increased substantially (from 7u to 34u now, rather than maxing from 4u to 20u)

    - fission reactor now treats all biofuels as lower radiation than any radioactive rods.

    - battery storage is better (overall, but lower for the Cerulium unit by 4000), and their power output has been increased across the board (2u for basic battery, 8u for the top-tier unit). This should make them more useful in general.

    -improved Arc Smelter and Blast Furnace secondary output chances (substantially, in the case of the Arc) to increase their value and utility.

    -added categories to the Armory to make finding gear less time-intensive. You now have ranged, melee, armor and shield tabs for filtering.

    - fission reactor fuel output changed quite a bit. The following are the new output (per slot used per material). This makes the Fission Reactor vastly more effective overall (which is good, since its expensive to make) with a maximum output of 20 for 4 slots filled with Ultronium rods.

    Reminder: You can only get Ultronium by placing Solarium Rods within an Advanced Centrifuge.

    Reminder#2: The more rods that power it, the greater the radiation output of the generator.

    Biofuel - 1 power per slot

    Erithian Biofuel - 2 power per slot

    Proto-Fuel - 3 per slot

    Uranium - 2 per slot

    Enriched Uranium - 3 per slot

    Plutonium - 3 per slot

    Enriched Plutonium - 4 per slot

    Solarium Star - 4 per slot

    Ultronium - 5 per slot

    -science outpost music changed to something less annoying

    - fixed some missing unlocks in the rubium/aegisalt/violium chain (and cerulium, ferozium and impervium therefore unlock properly again)

    - fixed erroneous stat effects for the stranglevine, fayshroom etc. The burst effect should function properly now. There are also several new ones!

    - added Vile Cannon (shoggoth unlock)

    - Beekeeper tenants should now properly wear pants.

    -bees Quest misnamed “solar power” has been fixed
    kuba6004, Zetlin97, Voidnaut and 3 others like this.
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