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Outdated Floran Fly Trap - New Crop 1.2

Adds a Floran Fly Trap farmable crop used as a steady food source!

  1. Fixed Starter Locker Overwrite Bug

    -Fixed a VERY game-breaking bug due to the mod overwriting the vanilla "default.treasurepools" file, causing new characters of all races except custom ones with their own .treasurepools file to have a ship locker with nothing but Floran Fly Trap Seeds in it (or seeds and meat if you're a Floran). This included breaking all Floran-area loot tables as well! While I could copy the vanilla "default.treasurepools" file and just add my items to the lists, this would heavily interfere with other mods that do the same thing. Until the devs allow mods to merge without overwriting, it's better for me to remove the .treasurepool files. Just craft the seeds using the recipe for now! Sorry!

    -Also changed the folder structure so that inside the .zip file is a folder of the same name, "Fly Trap Plant", since one of my friends mentioned that without this, you can't just drag and drop the folder from the .zip file into the mods folder, but need to extract it to a new folder first. I'd gotten into the habit of always extracting archives rather than dragging and dropping, so this didn't occur to me! n.nU
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