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Outdated Floran ColorScheme Mix 1.3 | Furious Koala

Leaf Color for Body? Flower Color for Leafs? Body for Flower for Leaf for..????

  1. Furious Koala Update. Better sorting

    Updated for Furious Koala.
    And I improved the sorting a bit:
    Color sets are now cycled like this:
    Body -> Leafs -> Flower -> Body...
    For all three parts. Its not 100% the same though, since duplicates are dropped from the added sets
  2. Compatibility Update

    This mod uses now the merge feature. It is now fully compatible with all other mods that use the merge feature (or that do not use the floran.species file)

    Every Hair Mod that uses the merge feature should be compatible. I successfully tested it with my AnTiHair

    I also changed the zip file a bit: The subfolder is now included.
    To install simply open the zip and drag and drop...
  3. Changed Overall Ordering

    Now for every part the colors are in the same order:
    Body Colors - Leaf Colors - Flower Colors

    wich also works better with the overview image