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Outdated FaceMod v0.4.1

Angry Koala Compatable Beards and Accessories!

  1. Offended Koala Compatability!

    One second it's working the next it isn't! Damn betas... Wait that's what this isSCREWIT HERES THE UPDATE!

    -Added a facemod.modinfo file, meaning all you have to do to install now is extract the .zip to your Starbound/Mods folder! No more bootstrap editing!

    -Someone asked about porting the glitch heads from the web-browser-character-creator (There are about 30 or so that aren't in-game). I want to do this but I'm worried Chucklefish may release them at some point themselves, and since I'd have to re-draw each of them by hand it could prove to be a lot of wasted time!
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