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Outdated Extra Lanterns 2.1.5

Expanding the lantern system with better tiers of lanterns and colored lanterns!

  1. The Update That Changed the Lanterns


    Renamed the mod to "Extra Lanterns"

    Lanterns can no longer be moved with the mouse, they remain at your side always (thanks to Chucklefish for the option to do this) The "pointable" flag added by Chucklefish doesn't work for the vanilla lantern or any of my lanterns. Sorry! Maybe can add this/Chucklefish will fix this later. If they do it's already in the code, so it will work without me editing anything

    Recipes for the lanterns are now learned upon crafting a vanilla Lantern


    Added support for the new vanilla lantern (thanks Tiy!)

    The vanilla lantern is very underpowered- (half a tier lower light than the previous copper lantern) and very expensive (10 bars of iron, the same as previous versions of this mod, and more pixels than even the diamond lantern costs) so this mod is still relevant and I will continue maintaining it

    The torch object is no longer used by the mod, so it won't conflict with anything else that edits the torch (replaced with Lantern, should be slightly more compatible with other mods)

    Every lantern has been buffed by half a tier to stay consistent with the default Lantern's scaling, prices remain at five metal bars (may be changed)


    Fixed the copper lantern texture being invisible in the crafting window
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