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Outdated Exploration Enhanced 1.33333

An improvement for exploration and variety.

  1. Working Teleporters and Coal Drone Animation fix

    Sorry I vanished, I had a severe case of ~*~REAL LIFE ISSUES~*~ and haven't had time for modding. I'm mostly back now, so expect more update stuff. Right, so update notes:

    Using the latest version of Vaeux's Planetside Teleporters (and complying with his terms of use, of course) the planetside teleports are now working in-game! I also fixed the animation error with the Coal Drone, so hooray~

    In my mass-renaming of teleporter files I may have broken a thing, and while I did a test teleport on my end, that is by no means a comprehensive test, so if you see any problems please report them here ASAP along with a copy of your starbound.log if possible.
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