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Outdated Enlarge Your Beak 0.1

Avian beak changes.

  1. Baleur
    Version: 0.1
    With this mod and the drumsticks and avian feathers, finally the avians can become the space egyptians goa'uld birds of prey i always knew they were.
  2. shaun4519
    Version: 0.1
    I like this mod it looks really good and it is very close to perfect
    when added in with other mods it makes avians perfect(drumstics and avian feathers).
  3. McAwesome
    Version: 0.1
    I've been waiting for a mod like this for so long! My Raven will be perfect now Lol Thank you Thank you!
    1. Silvestre
      Author's Response
      I'm glad it could be of help! Perhaps you could post a screenshot of your raven in the discussion thread, it would be nice to see.
  4. Ravenscraig
    Version: 0.1
    This is great, now us old people can finally see the beaks that chucklefish made so small.