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Elunite Race Mod 2.0.2

Adds Elunite as a playable Race!

  1. Entering the Grid

    -Version 1.0.1-

    So let me introduce you to Elunite Update 1.0.1.. The greatest update so far... why? let me tell you.
    A unique Ship Pet, for your petting needs or if you get lonely.
    Shelves missing some decorations? 2 Elunite Action Figures Trophies to display.
    Want to adventure? We have light cables to lighten your decend into the caves.
    Rainy day and want to jump off a cliff? we got you too, don't forget your Baton that turns into a light parasol for soft landings.
    Enjoy farming? plant Light Dews and havest healing water!!
    Why you ask? Who doesn't love healing spa's?
    Animals Gone Wild like chicks on spring break??!?
    Get out the Detron Relocator and put em back in there places. (Yes! Warframe Reference)
    Wondering about Combat? We have a full arsonal of light discs! what is a light disc?
    Throwable weapons that can be used like
    -flash lights
    -dual wieldable
    -ranged weapon
    -closed ranged weapon
    -Kill monsters behind obstacles
    -kill monster over,behind,under or where ever monsters might be!
    -show off your kewl beer pong techniques
    -makes you feel like a real tron program
    Is that all for combat? Absolutely NOT!
    We've got fully colour-able Armour Sets, not just to take a hit but Cool to wear.
    Form your own sentai squads and run around fighting baddies.
    Wondering about clothing? Craftable and Fully Colour-able as well to share.
    We've got blocks, supports, doors and NPCs to talk to
    We've got details, Torches , pillars and Tenants to give you presents
    Bored and finished the game? We have mystery Items out there to unlock.
    Have friends but nothing to do? We still got you!!
    We've got Laser tag for some of that good old Virtual Light show.
    We've got nerf guns for that Imma get you in the eye this time.
    Have you had enough YET? If NOT! get on your LIGHT CYCLE and race till someone blows up!
    At the end of the day don't forget to return to your hand drawn Ship to take a nap.
    KateisLost likes this.
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