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Easy Ingots v1.4.5

Get your metals faster!

  1. Spirited Giraffe update plus minor tweaks

    Hey Everyone!

    I know it's been awhile since I did anything Starbound related but now that the update is here, I'm back in full swing.

    So first things first, we have updated to the latest stable release, Spirited Giraffe. There may be bugs, if you find any, let me know right away please!

    Second, I removed the costs of cobblestone for grinding ore, and I removed the cost of wood for smelting dust. I felt those costs were making the mod feel like you had to do more mining and tree harvesting then you would normally, which kinda killed the purpose of the mod, so thats gone.

    Now that we are updated though, I am going to start work on adding support for some of the other mods out there that add new ores to the game. I am also going to start working on a mechanic to let you get even more from a single ore.

    Stay tuned for future versions!
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