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Easy Ingots v1.4.5

Get your metals faster!

  1. Small fixes and changes

    Alright so after playing with the previous version quite a bit, I came to a couple conclusions and items that were in need of change.

    First, I changed it back to being 1 ore can be smelted into a bar at stone furnace, and 1 dust can be forged into 1 bar at a powder furnace.

    Second, I changed the requirement of 10 cobblestone per ore being grinded into a dust down to only 2 cobblestone. Reason: I found myself looking for more cobblestone over ores early game.

    Third, the mod is now in a .modpack file instead of folder to help loading times.

    Things I noticed that are in the works, the grinder does not have filter buttons in its GUI for all the different items. This should be fixed in the next update.

    If you see any other problems, bugs, or what have you, please let me know!
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