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Easy Ingots v1.4.5

Get your metals faster!

  1. New mechanics and machines!

    What Happened?

    Here is a semi-big update for you guys, I overhauled the mechanics of the system and made this not so cheaty for those who felt like it was but still kept the ability to progress quick along with added ways to get some nice blocks.

    So Whats New?

    I took away the ability to forge bars from a single ore and made it default to 2 ores again, BUT, I added some new machines that allow you to grind a single ore into 2 ore dust, and every 2 ore dust can be forged into a bar. You can make the new machines as soon as you get 4 iron bars!

    What Are the new Machines?

    The Grinder
    Ok so first off we have the Grinder. The grinder does a couple things for you. First, and most importantly, it will allow you to grind your ores down into ore dust. But that's not all it does. You can also use it to grind cobblestone into gravel, and gravel into sand/fine sand. It will also allow you to grind Heavy Stone Bricks into Small Stone Bricks. You can craft your first Grinder from a crafting table for a cost of 25 cobblestone, 20 wood, and 4 iron bars. You will learn how to craft the Grinder once you get your first Iron bar.

    It also acts as full working Wooden Crafting Table so you don't have to have many machines around.

    The Powder Furnace
    Next we have the Powder Furnace. The Powder Furnace acts as Stone Furnace with some extra bits. This is where you will be able to forge your new ore dust into the bars you want. This guy is crafted at the Grinder for 25 Small Stone Bricks and a Stone Furnace.

    Anything Else?

    Yes! I am sure some of you saw that you needed Heavy/Small Stone Bricks and thought how long it takes to find those and that you don't want to wait so long. Well fear not because I have added that you can forge Heavy Stone Bricks at a Stone Furnace at the cost of 5 cobblestone and 3 wood to get 5 Heavy Stone Bricks.

    Whats to Come?

    Glad you asked, I haven't added anything for later tier ores like Plutonium, Aegisalt, or Solarium, but this is in the works for similar mechanics as the Grinder and Powder Furnace. Also plan to add late tier items to allow you to double your dust production.

    Be sure you watch the resource so you are notified when an update comes out and let your friends know what you think of the mod!

    If you are a pixel artist or know a pixel artist that would be willing to help me create some new sprites for the mod, I am very interested in their help!

    Feel free to leave feedback in the discussion area along with your suggestions, and as always, reviews are very welcome!
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