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Easy Ingots v1.4.5

Get your metals faster!

  1. Update to latest Starbound

    Welcome to Easy Ingots Mod!

    Easy Ingots is a mod that aims to remove some of the grind of the game by making it easier to get the materials you need so you can spend less time mining and more time exploring your universe and building your settlements! Easy Ingots does this by making it so you can get 2 bars from any ore instead of 1 bar from 2 ores.

    Getting started with Easy Ingots is very straightforward. All you need is your furnace and your anvil. Once you have those you'll notice that you can break ores down into dust at the anvil. Each ore will give you 2 dust. Once you have your various dusts, open up your smelter and craft whatever bar you want at the cost of 1 dust instead of 2 ore!

    If you would like to have support for ores added by other mods, leave a suggestion and I'll look into adding it!

    The grinder and powder furnace have been removed. The anvil and vanilla smelter are used now in their place.


    1. Display Image.png
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