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Outdated Easy Character Delete ENRAGED KOALA U8

[+3000 DOWNLOADS!] Choose the name of the character you want to delete and... Delete it! :D

  1. 2.3 Auto Backup for everyone! :D


    -Game Version: Enraged Koala
    +Checkbox for Auto Backup
    []The backups of the characters you'll find them in the folder player
    *If you had two characters with the same name always eliminated first on the list
    *Minor bugs
    **Some parts of the code

    */Improved and changed

    New screen:


    Auto Backup FAQ

    Where can I find the backup of the characters?

    Example: Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\player\Backup character(s)\Xxshark888xX [aa5ce2a07e16df30f4b21020664e9ed4]

    How can I restore a backup?

    Simply copy ALL the files inside the folder of the character that you want to restore in the folder 'player'
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