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Outdated Easier Bosses Upbeat Giraffe 1.2

Makes the bosses do less damage and attack a little slower..

  1. Novalex233
    Version: 1.2
    Game won't start with this mod installed. I checked and none of my other mods change the same files. Would like to have it work, though
    1. thespookdanger
      Author's Response
      Was this with a character that had already started the game? Do you have any other mods active? What's the directory structure of your mod folder and this mod? What's the error?
  2. CombatMedic95
    Version: 1.2
    I saw no noticeable difference in Dreadwing's difficulty, the speed and damage appeared to be the same.
    1. thespookdanger
      Author's Response
      Did you notice a difference on the other bosses? Was this with a character that had already started the game? Do you have any other mods active?
  3. Turtlicious
    Version: 2015-01-30
    Does exactly what it says on the tin, Boss battle is still difficuilt, but more fitting for a tutorial fight.