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Outdated Drumsticks 2.2.1

Bless my beak, we've got longer foot-talons! And talons for your hands, too!

  1. Update Giraffe! ...I mean, wait...

    NOTE: The new .zip file contains both the Drumsticks standalone and Drumsticks and Tailfeathers combined.
    Well, that was a little more complicated than I expected, but here 'tis! By the by, for those wanting to convert your existing mods to .modpak files (or just to update out of date ones if they don't require more than a version change) the correct syntax is (using Drumsticks for example-- if you're running 64 bit windows, change \win32\ to \win64\ as necessary):
    ..\win32\asset_packer.exe Drumsticks Drumsticks Drumsticks.modpak
    and if you have spaces, it's
    ..\win32\asset_packer.exe "Drumsticks and Tailfeathers" "Drumsticks and Tailfeathers" "Drumsticks and Tailfeathers.modpak"
    because apparently you need to pass an "Assets source name". I'd assume that's the name of the folder-- incidentally, the quotations are necessary only if you have spaces in the mod name.
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