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Outdated Drills+ 2.0.1 (Spirited Giraffe)

More drill upgrades past diamond that become faster and more expensive.

  1. Drill Upgrades! (sorta)

    This adds the ability to upgrade all of the drills by getting five processors. Yes, that's right five. (Should give people something to do in the end game.) Everything is once again crafted in the Drill Upgrade Table. For those of you who know about the coding of the items. Basically this boosts the damage of the drills by 1. Also, there will be more ways to upgrade the drills but the internet at my apartment is down right now and I don't know when it'll be back up. :cry: I'm currently posting this update from a friends apartment.

    - Added the ability to upgrade the drills created by this mod (will do the others later)
    - Fixed some other minor spelling errors and what not

    Once again, tell me if there are any problems with the mods or grammatical errors.
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