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Outdated Drills+ 2.0.1 (Spirited Giraffe)

More drill upgrades past diamond that become faster and more expensive.


    I have finally gotten around to updating my mod.

    Chucklefish recently changed the way a lot of the code was used so I had to change a lot and crunched about 4 hours of work tonight to finally get this mod working.

    That being said, so far I really enjoy this update and can't wait for future content from the Chucklefish team.

    Again, sorry for the long wait for this update but....college.

    Thank you for all the support and all feedback is appreciated!


    -Basic drills are made in the Replicator now.
    -Everything else is in the drill upgrade table.
    -Drills no longer cost pixels to make.
    -Recipe changes,
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