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Digger Turret Version 1.0.3

Turrets make mining a lot more fun, and now you can ride in your own Digging Mech!

  1. Digger Turret

    v0.0.4 - Update to work with Tabula Rasa.
  2. Digger Turret

    Version 0.0.3 - Tweaked the Advanceddigmachine, by making its explosion a bit bigger, the fire-rate slower, and about have the energy. Modified the turret png files to make them look a little different from the normal turret. Modified the digmachine's laser animation. (I really like how this looks now.)
  3. Digger Turret

    Adjusted the price of the digmachines in the 3d Printer.
    Removed Copper Pickaxe enhancement.