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Outdated Description plates 2.7

Tag your containers with special nameplates.

  1. New letters

    Minor fixes for EK and set of stone letters.
    3StarBaguette likes this.
  2. Compatibility patch

  3. Compatibility fix

    Sorry for delay :3
    Otata likes this.
  4. Too many hats

    - New "Hats" plates
    - New "Misc" plates
    - Better icons
  5. Single letters

    Removed plates from Tabula Rasa (yes, again =_=)
    Added test set of 1x1 plates with separate letters. They aren't compact actually, but you can compile custom words with it. Or use them for alphabetic sorting. Available with stamp tool, look for it on crafting table.
  6. Major fix for recipes

    - Basic chisel tool missed all recipes because of groups' discrepancy.
    Myou and ZombieArron like this.
  7. Recipes fix

    - Tabula Rasa doesn't support plates' recipes anymore. Tools are still there.
  8. More fixes

    - Repaired missed golden 'armor' plate image
    - Changed tools' icons
  9. Bugfixes

    - Recipe for advanced chisel tool is now correct