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Outdated Deckard's Coat and Pants 1.05y | Enraged Koala

They don't advertise for killers in the newspaper. That was my profession. Ex-cop. Ex-blade runner.

  1. Karmos

    Dress like Rick Deckard with his coat and pants. They don't offer much protection, but they make nice vanity items.

    Crafted at a spinning wheel:
    Deckard's Coat Recipe
    20 Fabric

    Deckard's Pants Recipe
    15 Fabric
    5 Leather

    Doesn't require any blueprints or upgrades to craft besides the spinning wheel.

    Pair with Mr. Foxer's Deckard's Gun mod to complete the effect.

    To install the mod, unzip deckardcoat.zip into your ~/Starbound/mods folder or whichever folder you have bootstrap.config reading for mods.

    Compatible with the Tabula Rasa mod.

    Compatible with Beta v. Angry Koala.

    The coat doesn't really have a cowl or collar like Deckard's does in Bladerunner due to framing issues with arms and other framing restrictions. Sorry. If there are any graphical changes you think I should make I'd be happy to consider them.

    Please let me know if you experience issues installing or using the mod, and I'll do my best to fix them. Thanks!
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.

Recent Reviews

  1. Salius
    Version: 1.05 | Furious Koala
    Finally! A decent trench coat!
  2. Antiquarian
    Version: 1.03 | Angry Koala
    Can the Voight-Kampff test detect exactly how pleased this mods makes me?
  3. Swirly
    Version: 1.03 | Angry Koala
    I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... things like this great mod :)
  4. Necro_TV
    Version: 1.02 | Angry Koala
    yeah, all good, thanks!
  5. Necro_TV
    Version: 1.01 | Angry Koala
    Looks pretty, but i unzip deckardcoat.zip in "mods" and game crashed
    1. Karmos
      Author's Response
      What OS are you using? Are you on Angry Koala? And are you using the most recent version of deckardcoat.zip? I just re-downloaded and reinstalled the mod to test myself, and my game is running fine.
  6. ModLoche9
    Version: 1.01 | Angry Koala
    I like it
  7. xtomass
    Version: 1.0 | Angry Koala