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Outdated Crispy's Food & Crops v15 Enraged Koala

Discontinued mod. Aims to improve and expand on food and crop related things.

  1. All versions equal 1. Also GIANT additions!

    The versioning system (in my head) has changed. Now all versions equal one. That means the second version was v2 and the third version was v3 and so on. This is so I won't have to spend a lot of time determining if a version was large or small or if it deserves to be a giant one or whatever.

    Here's the changes, I might have forgotten some:
    • The crops now generate in the wild!!! This means you can't craft the seeds via the crafting table. You have to actually find the crops now.
    • A new crafting station, called the Juicer. Acts just like the furnace, but turns produce into juices. Not only does it make juices already in the game, but I've added more juices. Experiment!
    • Pasta! A new food ingredient inspired by the Paper Mario games called Fresh Pasta can be crafted with other ingredients to make different pastas, including some unique race - specific pastas.
    • You can cook more stuff, including tomatos, automatos, and corn.
    • Halloween has come early as you can now craft Jack 'o lanterns! Includes a large variant.
    • Growing times have been improved for various default plants.
    • Some other stuff I might have forgotten.
    Any modder (I'm talking to you, sayter aka Mr. Frakin' Flora!) should be able to add their own juice recipes. Just look inside this mod's files and you should understand how it works. I have not tested this, but just simply adding in the recipes should not mess with anything if the player does not have this mod.
    misterwho and sayter like this.
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