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Outdated Crispy's Food & Crops v15 Enraged Koala

Discontinued mod. Aims to improve and expand on food and crop related things.

  1. v13 - Stuffs

    Both of the expansions have been updated. You can find them in the "Expansions" spoiler in the overview.

    Core v13:
    + Raisins.
    + Expanded default vending machine treasure pool (that doesn't work at the moment)
    + Jelon Juice

    Vitsotu Expansion v3:
    + New shadowbulb crop that can be found in the Umbra. It glows in the dark.

    Frackin Flora Expansion v2:
    + New shadowbulb crop that can be found in the penumbra. It glows in the dark.
    + A few texture edits of Frackin Flora items.
    + FF specific food items, including energy drinks, fake bacon (deliciously evil), buttered broccoli and cooked artichoke.
    + Lots of the FF produce can be thrown into the juicer to make some... unique juices.
    misterwho likes this.
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